bluish-white / bianco-azzurrognolo / alb-albastrui

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

Why do not you still kiss me?
I’m afraid of not consuming the love too fast.
But, so, is the only way for increase it…
Yes, grow, grow so big that we will remain small…
Oh, I think we will grow along with it, look, I can already reach your lips…
Polaris it cringe between clouds. Somewhere in the south, Mimosa bluish slipped
in the hands of a maiden lonely at the ocean shore


Perché non mi baci ancora?
Ho paura di non consumare l’amore troppo presto.
Ma, così, è l’unico modo per crescerla…
Sì, crescere, cresce così grande che noi ci rimarremo piccoli…
Oh, penso che ci cresceremo insieme con essa, guarda, posso raggiungere già le tue labbra…
Polaris si cringe tra le nuvole. Da qualche parte al sud, Mimosa bluastra scivolò
nelle mani di una fanciulla solitaria alla riva dell’oceano


De ce nu mă…

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Just one end – Solo un’estremità – Doar un singur capăt

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

Is too much death in the winter air? Asked the little boy…
It’s too much life hidden in underneath
in waiting for the sign to the ascension
more numerous deaths cannot be, because nothing
was born dead, so, the life always wins
Said Grandfather to his grandson of just four years…
How many ends have the things, Grandpa? You should know
you were born grandfather… and, I see it everywhere just curves and beginnings…
From the shell of silence, at a certain moment,
Grandpa went out to say: Just one end, the infinite has the end in
itself, so, every thing…
Grandpa, you were born grandfather, you should know, why
The winter looks like you?…
The old man stood up and … – Instead of the answer came the spring,
with mysteries and new miracles. The boy yet looked at the heights, there
of where a gentle smile…

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the hug – l’abbraccio – îmbrățișare

valeriu dg barbu

trilingual text

an insurrection of the syllables on a yellowed sheet
of expectations and fear
so they found a name for me
the refusal of submission to the feet of longing
the continuous escape from itself – doubt
so I’ve found a name
late, what he did not considered being… late
it fell on things a crisis of gestures
so I’ve mixed up the names
just later, defeated by syllables and meanings
the sheet hug me like a lost mother –
my name me write without inks


un’insurrezione delle sillabe su un foglio ingiallito
di attese e di paura
così mi hanno trovato il nome
rifiuto della sottomissione ai piedi della nostalgia
la fuga continua dal sé – dubbio
così mi ho trovato un nome
tardivo, il ché non si considerava tardivo,
cadde sulle cose una crisi di gesti
così mi ho mescolato il nome

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bye – ciao – pa

valeriu dg barbu

trilingual text

it hurts me in the heels
for first loves
it hurts me the belly
for love hopeless
I do not give of the pain
of all, each reluctantly
And it’s just the preamble
the cool foodie, sneaky
any noose
and boomerang
actualist the wort
by ages too old
Now just I run away
no luggage, no money
without a visa, called me
to pass the last customs
where you do not look at me the heels
nor at those who remain
pain and love
forgetfulness, humiliation
infatuation and concepts
enough, bye, I’m going


mi sta far male il tallone
per il primo amore
mi sta far male la panza
d’amore senza speranza
mi sta far male il dolore
ogni malincuore
Ed è solo il preambolo
per le fresche figuracce, subdolo
e ogni cappio
ogni boomerang
attualistico, mosto
dall’evo obsoleto
adesso proprio scappo
senza bagaglio, senza grana
senza visto…

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absurd – assurdo – absurd

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

There are moments when we realize that the big decisions are already taken
there is no tunnel in the fate of a fatalist – why do you think you will be one…
and that loneliness does not cure anything
you would like to get out of this life alive in some way, but you cannot, look,
everything I’ve consummated everything I love, walks away and push me naked
in the perspective the imminent step
I check the pockets, nothing
No words, no state of mind, does not define me
is lying to me so much the one that is in my body…
I have the feeling that everything I say and do, I have seen in a movie once
and then I was not with me
you pretend that you know me already,
that you can adapt me in fixed frames, being at your turn
pushed naked in…

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Instigation of poetry – Istigazione alla poesia – instigare la poezie

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

I’ve beaten all
those who passed, statues with yellow shoes vortices, in front of my house
I beat him with the ,,good day,, , with the flowers and a blank sheet of paper and a pencil –
a couple of days later there was no one, was a desert

to the post office from end of town, there is a row crazy, as for milk, some time ago
On the sidewalks extending a trail of paper
hundreds of complaints, gripes, indictments, and nor a poetry…
People write strange in these days, I tell myself, I collect pencils on the soles, as the tacks


Li ho picchiati a tutti
quelli che passavano, statue gialle con delle scarpe vortici, di fronte a casa mia
Le ho picchiato con degli ,,buon giorno,, , dei fiori e un foglio bianco e una matita –
un paio di giorni poi non passava nessuno…

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Loneliness – Solitudine – Însingurare

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

The forest it clings like a bar code
on the frozen glass of the window –
The price for …alienation
Some crows, drawn quickly, scares the Sun
In Rome it snows very rarely, but if it were happening right now
I would get out here, in the garden, fast, fast
and I will make a woman of snow – I being a hetero, why I would make a man?
Then, I will put the photos on internet, before appearing in some way, I do not know, a real woman…
and can no longer be the woman of snow, one viral on the internet…
The forest is approaching
the crows snowing, snow sprinkle black-matte, or is the night…
The only thing I have left is the iPhone
with a crumpled carol as a ringtone


La foresta si aggrappa come un codice a barre
sul vetro ghiacciato dalla finestra –

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Wait, do not shoot… – Aspetta, non sparare … – Stai, nu trage…

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

my calendar, I do not know how are yours, but my …shoot
shoot, shoot in me with the days
as a machine gun
with a fantastic cadence
where they were, where they are
the years? They lied to me …that the Earth is a sphere
is only a poor tear loose. Yesterday I was looking for me: Where are you baby …?
today, already tomorrow, I’m a target hit by these cannibalistic bullets
Wait, do not shoot me (remember the movie) there is no way, I do not even exist
I can already tell that I was


Il mio calendario, non so com’è il tuo, ma il mio… spara
Spara, spara in me con dei giorni
come da una mitragliatrice
con una cadenza fantastica
dove erano, dove sono
gli anni? …mi hanno mentito che la Terra è una sfera
è solo una povera lacrima sciolta. Ieri mi…

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The Thief… – Il Ladro… – Furul…

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

The children no longer want to grow
Because their new mother, stepmother, brought a father, as she
They hide in the corners of the house with crumpled photos clutching in their hands
no do not go outside to play, they know that the cemetery still expands
comes close to the village
have escaped twice from the orphanage, where they made too many vaccines
with stupid ideas – to grow big as well as parents …and look how big they are now…
and never want to become their turn somewhat stepmother and stepfather
tacitly and unanimously, decided to remain children
It’s snowing again, the traces of bullock cart to the cemetery are covered white
The echo of the carols it lose away, Santa Claus to bypassed the corner of their house, like a thief
and went ahead


I bambini non vogliono più crescere
Poiché la loro nuova madre…

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The dream came back two nights in a row – Il sogno è tornato due notti di seguito – Visul s-a întors două nopți la rând

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

The Earth try wound healing, tightens itself
and with dignity of the soldier cleans on live
gangrene and splinters
On his bark moist and warm, I looking for the roots of the wind, high waters,
from where I came
The egg of wonder, the light, the primordial bird has left him
in the wrong nest
a railing of fire leads me back, I hold tight hand
and I’m almost arrived
I dreamed, I am the healer white and I cry of powerlessness,
in a crucible of bone, I grind healing seeds for a dying Earth


La Terra cerca la guarigione delle ferite si stringe in sé
e con dignità del soldato pulisce dal vivo
cancrena e schegge
Sulla corteccia umida e calda, cerco le radici del vento, delle acque alte,
da dove sono venuto
L’Uovo della meraviglia, la luce, l’uccello primordiale l’ha lasciato
nel nido sbagliato

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Drop of hoar – Goccia di brina – Stropul de brumă

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

I was already on the other side of the bridge
the lights of the city had remained tiny specks
the noise, wailing it is lost in the water and smoke
no is road without end, without a break,
we looking in backpack for a piece of bread, a drop of water
and we looked at in a vacuum in which
the memories become hoary, people and things are foreign
a wound-being grows in the womb, how many things we have not done…
to how many persons we not had the time to tell her we loved them …
we wasted so many gifts, just gathered, and remained there
the city lights are not seen, the bridge stretches painfully
the soul, disembodied, hang from a drop of hoar
we turn in the dust, the seeds of grass are waiting for us


stavo già dall’altra parte del ponte

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Why? – Perché? – De ce?

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

All the answers they have the children
they keep them hidden unsuspected – the future always confirms…
and are the only ones who
are given on the lips with the red of questions, when
all the wise men are cue, cue because they know that nor a mystery
no find too best answer like in the beginning of the world…
We are no longer children when we forgot to round up the questions
or we try the answers elsewhere, away…
The poet’s mission is to excite the so beautiful ,,Why?,,
and to return at you the wonders and the baby that you’ve been


Tutte le risposte le hanno i bambini
le tengono insospettato nascosti – il futuro sempre le conferma…
e sono gli unici che
si danno sulle labbra col rosso delle domande quando
tutti i saggi tacciono, tacciono perché sanno che nessun mistero
non trova risposta…

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Hell is full of artists, Heaven with their works… – L’inferno è pieno di artisti, Il Paradiso con le loro opere… – iadul este plin cu artiști, raiul cu operele lor…

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

Twisted thinking
We live in the age of advanced technology, forecasts, statistics and systems
The era of plastic and biodegradable feelings
Everything takes forms to a standard of the series, Mimicry global
is a dance for initiation in vain
The dreamers flocked to milking the muses of every last drop
of lyricism
from where, then, to weave a name –
Not everyone realizes … that the poet’s fame will last much
as the applauses and just the fame of the poem
has no time
The speculators waiting like vultures to the corpse, the death of the artist
Then you bring to weighed: the soul, dreams, failures,
fear and hunger of the one deceased
pulling their large share for themselves …as discoverers of values
The pain of childbirth are extinguished in the echo under the dust
The world starts again, the same wrongs
Vices and Virtues…

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A twinge into the ribs, the love – Una fitta nelle costole, l’amore – Junghi între coaste, iubirea

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

No wonder that we feel like we know each other for centuries
and we went to kindergarten together
if in those times was invented…
We still preserves from past lives
the smell, halos and the bizarre deep in the eyes
This twinge that cuts me the breath, maybe is the love
I cannot retrieve the missing rib, look how you’ve grown since then
look how you’ve grown right now
You’re as the sky; I try to breathing you… through both nostrils
And the twinge it pressed me, pressed me to die


Non ci meraviglia la sensazione di conoscerci da secoli
e siamo andati insieme a scuola materna
se in quei tempi c’era inventata…
Ancora conserviamo dalle vite passate
l’odore, le aureole e il bizzarro nel profondo agli occhi
questa fitta che mi taglia il respiro, può darsi è l’amore
e costola mancante non posso recuperarla, guarda come sei…

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Symmetries -Simmetrie -Simetrii

valeriu dg barbu

Trilingual text

The man was wandering in the lap of the sea
In search of the lost boat
The little golden fish on a stool at the shore
holding the fishing rod between the lugs, in the hook is a synthetic siren
Said: ,,today I will give fishing a man, if you catch
I will let go back into the water – but by then, it will not be the same again …
definitely will try to dismantle the siren, losing an illusion
and the sea will not receive it,
In the night, the boat, empty, anchored to the opposite shore
Charon was not more.
little golden fish, dozing too,
Without the sun it becomes trivial
So, the sky has gained a new sign pearly … and
No one has the courage to give name


L’uomo vagava nel grembo del mare
Nella ricerca della barca persa

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